This year we say goodbye to two school that have been long-time members of the PEP Academy family but who have decided not to renew in 2025. In the life of any school, a programme like PEP Academy has a season, and the gap left by PEP Academy might open other opportunities for these schools.
Vuyani Primary in Gugulethu joined the programme in 2012 with Nozuko Alam, now the principal, as the first PEP Academy manager. PEP Academy has done wonders and leaves behind a stronger school, she says. The PEP Academy maths approach has been introduced across the school, and PEP resources are used in various ways. Some resources have been used to stock a library, others in a remedial programme. “We have the knowedge, the resources and the skills,” she says. “Our learners will continue to benefit in many ways.”
But it is the development of teachers that she is most excited about. Teachers that were only teaching language are now teaching maths, and vica versa, and many PEP teachers have been promoted to become HODs. Most members of the school managemenrt team were once PEP teachers. “PEP Academy grew me as a leader,” she says of her own joutney. “It helped to learn how to manage and understand people. I don’t think I would be a principal now if it were not for my experience as a PEP Academy manager.”
Pictured here are the current academy manager, Phathiswa Msesi, with the the principal accepting a long service award to PEP Academy from the Western Cape mentor Jane Matthee at the national conference in 2022.
Jane thanks the school for all their years as a PEP Academy school. “The principal has always been committed to the programme first as academy manager and then principal and she has led a team of teachers who have been hard working and passionate. The team has always had the interests of the learners at heart.”
Bonamelo Primary in Soweto joined PEP Academy in 2015. It’s decision to not renew for 2025 brings to an close a 10 year relationship. The school has been greatly valued, and the teachers and academy managers that have made PEP Academy happen every day have been committed to the learners in their care. The academy manager, Lophina Thusi (seated), is pictured here with the PEP Academy team.
After 10 good years, Lophina is sad to see the end of the academy at her school, but says finding teachers who were free in the afternoons had become difficult. Her school has been recognised in the district thanks to PEP Academy, and learner results have improved over the period, she says. “And I have grown a lot. I am more confident, I have become a better teacher with new skills, and my communication has improved.”
And she has words of advice for new schools joining the programme next year. “PEP requires a commitment, a seflessness from the teachers. They need to put the learner interests first.” But it’s not just hard work, she says. “PEP is fun! The way we do maths and language, it’s really fun!”
Roger McIver has been the Social Innovations mentor to Bonamelo since 2020. He has got to know the school well and describes it as a very friendly environment with teachers who are dedicated and hard working and learners who are curious to learn. He is particuarly grateful to Lophina who has been a warm colleague and a friend to him over five years. “It’s been a happy place of learning, and many Grade 4s have benefited. We thank Bonamelo for its ten year commitment to the programme and wish the school well.”
In 2025 we look forward to welcoming new schools to PEP Academy. These are Mayibuye Primary in Soweto, Johannesburg; Yellowwood Primary in Mitchells Plein, Cape Town and Unity Primary in Mangaung, Bloemfontein. We hope to be celebrating a long associations with these schools in the future.
Loyalty awards
At PEP Academy learners are acknowedged for good attendace at twice yearly loyalty awards with vouchers to spend at PEP on school uniforms and caterers. Once again, in November most learners across the country were awarded the first prize of a R150 voucher for 95%+ attendance during awards held at each school.
As we prepare to close out 2024, the MD of PEP, Stefan Voges, along with fellow directors and trustees of the PEP Foundation, visited the awards at Zimasa in Cape Town as they thanked teachers, learners and principals across the country for another year of PEP Academy. Stefan also thanked parents who came to support their children. “By registering your children for this programme and encouraging them to attend, you are showing great leadership as parents,” he reminded them.
They PEP dynamos are seen here with learners displaying their vouchers and the Family Fun Book that they each get to take home to keep reading during the holidays.
PEP dynamos attended awards from each of the regional offices, here seen with the principal and colleagues from Kgato Primary in Bloemfontein.
Across the country, parents came to school to support their children as they closed out the PEP Academy year. These parents at Enkukwini Primary in KZN cheered their children on as they received their awards.
Teachers across PEP Academy schools were thanked for another year with a gift to take home over the festive season. The team from Inxiweni Primary in Tembisa are seen here with their gifts, along with PEP dynamos who attended the awards.
There are many people who make PEP Academy possible, but only one reason why they all contribute. The programme is here, first and foremost, to serve the interests of the Gr 4 and 5 learner and to help her become more confident, independent and to develop a positive atittude to learning as she transitions to the intermediate phase. To acknowledge the importance of the child, these learners were asked to deliver the thanks at the Esithebeni loyalty awards in Soweto.
Halala! to our new literacy programme
2024 opened with a big change which was the introduction of the new literacy programme with Halala! Education. Our learners are the beneficiaries of, arguably, the country’s top supplementary literacy programme for intermediate phase learners. The booklets are beautifully designed with stories and activities designed to help children learn to read and discover the joy of reading. We thank the Halala! team for all their efforts, and our teachers for taking to the programme with such enthusiasm. Seen here at the Ebuhleni loylalty awards are Jenny Katz from Halala! with teachers Granny Baloyi and Patience Palmer.
Until next year
28 November was the last day of our PEP Academy year. We look forward to regrouping in 2025. Until then, from the PEP Academy office (Karen, Leigh, Nonnie and Kimon) we say thank you to: Team Ebuhleni, Team Esithebeni, Team Bonameo in Soweto; Team Inxiweni and Team Moriting in Tembisa; Team Enkukwini, Team DR BW Vilakazi and Team Thembeni in KwaDukuza KZN; Team Zimasa, Team Vuyani, Team Ikhusi and Team Welwitschia in Cape Town; Team Kgato and Team Relebeletse in Bloemfontein; Team Mentors; to our academic partners, OLICO Maths and Halala! Education and to our valued funder and partner, PEP.